Menu > Student record > Results General Help
Term results
View the student's subjects and results for a specific term: result, coded messages, possible indication of the presence of alerts about the competency results. At secondary level, group average, quintile, absences and, at the bottom of the page, term average of the current year compared to that of the previous year.
The table shows all the student's subjects for the year and school processed, in order of subject-section code. If the teacher user has an Internet profile in which the Display results of other teachers option is not checked, only the results from the subjects they teach will be displayed on screen.

The following information is displayed by subject:
Subject Code of the subject-section.
Description of the subject Description of the subject.
Teacher First name and family name of subject-section's teacher.
Term result Result for the term requested.

If an alert concerning the term result exists for the term requested for this subject-section for the student, the term result is displayed in the alert colour.
Group average
Group average for the term.

Quintile rank for the term.

Messages 1 and 2 Coded message 1 and 2 for the term.

If an alert concerning coded message 1 exists for the term requested for this subject-section for the student, coded message 1 is displayed in the alert colour.

If an alert concerning coded message 2 exists for the term requested for this subject-section for the student, coded message 2 is displayed in the alert colour.
Number of absences
Number of absences without reason or associated to reasons of type Justified or Not justified, in the subject-section for the term requested.
Number of lates
Number of absences associated to reasons of type Lates, in the subject-section for the term requested.
The  icon, which possibly appears at the start of the line, indicates the presence of alerts on the competency results for the term processed in the subject. By gliding the mouse over the icon, the appropriate explanation is displayed in the balloon help.
Alerts detected on the competency results for the term processed

At secondary level only, at the bottom of the table, a summary line for the term requested is displayed for the current year and another line is displayed for the corresponding term in the previous year (if the previous annual record exists for the student, in the same school). The line for the previous year is not displayed if the teacher user has an Internet profile in which the See results from previous years option is not checked.

Each of the lines contains the following information:
Term average

Student's general average for the term.

Only in the case of the line concerning the current year, if an alert concerning the term average exists for the term requested for the student, the term average is displayed in the alert colour. 

Number of absences
Number of absences without reason or associated to reasons of type Justified or Not justified, for the term.

Only in the case of the line concerning the current year, if an alert concerning the number of absences exists for the term requested for the student, the number of absences is displayed in the alert colour.
Number of lates
Number of absences associated to reasons of type Lates, for the term.

Only in the case of the line concerning the current year, if an alert concerning the number of lates exists for the term requested for the student, the number of lates is displayed in the alert colour.
A legend is displayed, if such is the case, to provide the significance of the grades present in the term result for the student's subjects, in order of grade.

A legend is also displayed, if such is the case, to provide the significance of coded messages 1 and 2 present for the requested term in the student's subjects, in order of message code.

Result           A: Beyond expectations, C: Correctly covers
   Message-1    B: Good effort
   Message-2   SA: Satisfactory, SV: Requires constant supervision

The significance of a grade or a coded message can also be obtained through the balloon help that is displayed when the mouse is positioned on the data.

When an asterisk (*) appears to the right of a data value highlighted by an alert, it means that the current value of the data displayed no longer corresponds to the value examined at the time of the alert detection. It could thus be that the alert colour displayed is no longer valid. In this case, the following message appears at the bottom of the page:
The value has changed since the last detection of alerts.
Display summary results or results from other term  The Results pulldown menu as well as the command are used to access the summary results (Results screen) or the results of another term in the current year for all the student's subjects. 

This menu offers the Summary selection, followed by the description of the terms defined in the school, in order of term sequence.
Display results of one subject The command to the right of each subject leads to the Subject results screen which shows more detailed results for the subject: result for each term, competency results, teacher comments.
Display summary for current year (or previous year)
The command to the right of the Current year (or Previous year) line leads to the Summary of present year (or of previous year) screen which shows the general averages, the number of absences and lates in the current year (or the previous year) for the student, broken down by term.
Display previous results 
The Previous results command displays the Previous results screen which shows the results obtained by the student in each of their subjects for all previous years. This command is not available if the teacher user has an Internet profile in which the See results from previous years option is not checked.