Menu > Student record > Memos General Help
Detail of a memo
Compose a memo concerning the student, view it, modify it or act on it.
The following data are linked to the memo:
Date of the memo Date the memo is written. It is mandatory (current date by default).
Security code Security code indicating, in accordance with the memo profile, the security level applied by the system to the memo. It cannot be modified once the memo is created.
Memo category  
Memo sub-category Code used to classify the memos by sub-category. The pulldown menu proposes the different sub-categories defined in the GPI "parameterized school data" ("None" by default).
Comment A comment can be associated to the memo.
Author of memo First name and family name of the author of the memo. The personnel code of the person creating the memo is automatically placed in the Author and can never be modified.
Recipient Authorized personnel to whom the memo is destined ("None" by default). The pulldown menu proposes the personnel in alphabetical order, grouped together as follows: category, function, personnel working with student (homeroom teacher, teachers, school administrators).

An alert is automatically generated to the recipient of the memo. 
Title of memo A title can be associated to the memo.
Print on report Indicates if it will be possible, if desired, to print the memo in the GPI report card.
Access by student Indicates if the student will be able to view the memo through the Internet (via the Portal).
Access by adult responsible Indicates if the adult responsible will be able to view the memo through the Internet (via the Portal).
Text of memo Detailed text of the memo.
The following data are linked to the intervention on the memo:
Date of the intervention Date of the intervention or of the follow-up to the intervention on the memo.
Intervention Code of the intervention on the memo. The pulldown menu proposes the different interventions on the memo defined in the GPI "parameterized school data" ("None" by default).
Intervention finished Indicates if the intervention is finished or not.
Authorized personnel  First name and family name of the person who carries out the intervention. The personnel code of the person who completes or modifies the intervention data on a memo is automatically placed in this field and it cannot be modified directly.
Start date
End date
Interval of dates indicating the period over which the intervention bears.
Alert author of memo Option used to generate an alert to the author of the memo when an intervention is done on the memo (box not checked by default).
Text of intervention Detailed text of the intervention.
In creation:
  • The "Memo" part can be modified.
  • The "Intervention" part appears on screen, modifiable only if the memo profile allows the modification of the intervention for the security code considered.

In modification:

  • The "Memo" part can be modified if the memo profile allows it for the security code considered, if not it is displayed for viewing.
  • The "Intervention" part appears on screen, modifiable if the memo profile allows the modification of the intervention for the security code considered. It is displayed for viewing if the memo profile limits access to the intervention to viewing. Otherwise, it does not appear.
Save The Save command records the changes entered on screen in the database.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the page.
The Save and Undo commands are available in creation or in modification when the operation is authorized.