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Selection of authorized personnel
Select one or more authorized personnel during the entry of a data of type Selection list (personnel). The authorized personnel proposed correspond to the types of personnel retained in the Authorized personnel activity.
The personnel are displayed in accordance with the following groupings:
Authorized personnel categories The personnel associated to a category are displayed in alphabetical order within the grouping. The description of the personnel category appears on the right in brackets.
Functions of authorized personnel The personnel associated to a function are displayed in alphabetical order within the grouping. The description of the personnel function appears on the right in brackets.
Personnel working with student The student's homeroom teachers, their teachers as well as their school administrators, if such is the case, are displayed in alphabetical order within the grouping. The indication "Homeroom teacher", the description of the subject taught or the indication "School administrator", as the case may be, appears on the right in brackets.
Adults responsible and others The identification of the father, mother, guardian (if completed) and student are displayed in this grouping. The indication "adult responsible", if such is the case, and the type of adult responsible appear on the right in brackets.
External authorized personnel This final grouping contains the personnel who were defined in the External authorized personnel activity.
The personnel are preceded by radio buttons in the case of a single choice, or check boxes, in the case of multiple selections.

If the selection is unique and not mandatory, the "None" additional choice is proposed so as to be able to cancel the selection already made.
Ok The Ok command returns to the previous page while saving the changes that were entered.
Cancel The Cancel command returns to the previous page while ignoring the changes that were entered.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the page while remaining in the page.