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Interventions on absences
Perform interventions on several of the student's absences. The page shows the interventions already carried out for the student up to the present. Each of the absences can be linked to a specific series of absences.
The interventions are shown in decreasing order of date. Each intervention contains the following information:
Date Date of the intervention.
Intervention Description of the intervention code.
Authorized personnel First name and family name of authorized personnel associated to the intervention.
Add intervention The Add command calls up the Detail of an intervention on absences screen which is used to add a new intervention in regards to the student's absences.
Access intervention The   command calls up the Detail of an intervention on absences screen which is used to modify an intervention concerning the student's absences.
Delete interventions The Delete command removes from the database the selected interventions.

When the deleted intervention is related to absences, the intervention date and the intervention code are blanked out in these absences.
The Save and Undo commands as well as the check boxes are available only if the user is authorized "in modification" to the activity in their application profile.